Interacting with Pads
PAD Creation
Anyone can create a PAD, and there are no protocol fees for , creation.
PAD creators set predefined fees for wrap and unwrap transactions.
Wrapping involves minting new PAD tokens by depositing collateral into the PAD.
The PAD is immediately rebalanced from the provided collateral, ensuring 100% collateralization.
PAD tokens are minted to the user's wallet during the wrapping process.
Unwrapping is the process of removing PAD tokens from circulation and the corresponding collateral from the PAD.
Anyone holding PAD tokens can unwrap at any time or trade them on liquid markets.
LP & Stake to Earn:
LPing (Liquidity Providing) involves adding liquidity to the incentivized PAD's liquidity pool with a 1:1 ratio of PAD tokens and a pre-defined paired asset.
LPs (Liquidity Providers) can stake their LP positions to earn a portion of fees defined by the PAD creator.
PAD Verification
PADs can be created by any user with any combination of assets and weights.
Verification adds an extra layer of validation, indicating that the platform has conducted due diligence and considers the PAD safe within certain bounds.
Verification doesn't guarantee market dynamics but provides minimal assurance for potential investors.
Last updated